National Remote Sensing Centre 应用

Bhuvan Ganga 1.2.0
Bhuvan Ganga App is ISRO’s mobileapplicationdeveloped to enable public to collect and reportinformation onvarious pollution sources that affects the waterquality of riverGanga. This mobile app will provide a platform forcrowd sourcingto monitor pollution in river Ganga and enabledecision makers atNational Mission for Cleaning Ganga (NMCG) underMinistry of WaterResources, River Development & GangaRejuvenation, Governmentof India to prioritize interventions. Theapp has provision tocollect information regarding Urban Sewage,Semi-urban/RuralSewage, Natural Drains/Nallas, Industrial WasteWater, Solid WasteDisposal or any other pollution source.The main features of the app are 1) collecting locationinformationusing mobile device GPS, 2) taking photograph of thelocation (twophotos), 3) adding the attribute information aboutpollution sourceand 4) sending the collected information to BhuvanGanga webserver, either immediately or later.The app also has option to edit attributes or deletecollectedobservations saved for send later or unsent data-set inthe mobiledevice. It has provision to tag user profile to eachobservation.The sent observations can be visualized by officials ofNMCG innear real time at field data visualization session ofBhuvanGeo-portal. The collected field information can be visualizedbypublic after due moderation by NMCG.